
And Surveys

Unleash Potential, Capture Excellence

Fully Customisable Form, Survey and Quiz Software Tailored To Your Every Business Need

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Picture of employees during meeting


Where It All Comes Together

Company Wide Forms

Your Strategic Compass For Growth.

Image of a sales person talking to customers

Targeted Employee Surveys

Set Your Employees up for Success.

Picture of employees talking to each other and brainstorming

Discover The Features

Generate individualized forms as well as Company wide surveys.

Optimize the potential of your workforce and enhance employee satisfaction. Gain insights into their sentiments and set them up for success.

NPS survey example

All Purpose Survey Sotware

Quick Start

Tailor your surveys within minutes, whether it's for a company-wide assessment or individual performance reviews.

Guarantee Anonimity

Ensure the anonymity of your survey participants to foster more candid and truthful responses.

Strategic Compass

Initiate organizational change by leveraging insights derived from our surveys.

Performance Reviews

Conduct performance evaluations to pinpoint areas of concern and pave the way for your employees' success.

Acquire Valuable Insight

Equip yourself with an understanding of employee experiences, enabling you to identify areas of satisfaction, potential concerns, and areas for improvement. By deciphering these sentiments, your organisation can fine-tune strategies, cultivate a more positive workplace culture, and ultimately enhance employee engagement and satisfaction. In essence, this thorough examination of survey outcomes serves as a strategic compass, guiding organizations toward data-driven decisions that fortify employee morale and contribute to overall organizational success.

Employee performance review survey example
Templates for employee surveys

Standardize Templates

Enhance survey efficiency with thoughtfully crafted pre-designed templates. Accelerate survey initiation while maintaining a standardized approach, ensuring consistency throughout the surveying process. These templates serve as a reliable foundation, saving time and upholding data integrity for insightful analysis and informed decision-making.

Create a Quiz

Effortlessly craft an online quiz for swift deployment in scenarios such as knowledge assessments, onboarding procedures, employee training, educational evaluations, and other comparable situations.

Example of an onboarding quiz for employees

Optimize the potential of your workforce and enhance Employee Satisfaction

Strategic Compass At Your Fingertips

Use Helpnaut Surveys as a strategic compass, guiding decision-makers by offering insights into employee sentiments and organizational dynamics. This data-driven approach allows for adaptive strategies, fostering success by addressing challenges and capitalizing on opportunities, making surveys a pivotal tool for shaping a responsive and thriving organizational environment.

Try For Free With a 2 Week Trial
Picture of multiple different HR surveys for employees

Data Driven Organisational Success

Your Questions, Our Canvas

Picture of an employee and HR shaking hands

Performance Feedback

Establish Clear Objectives and Points of Improvement For Employees.

Encourage and facilitate the professional advancement and development of employees.

Plan Future Development Path and set your Employees up for success.

Team members collaborating around a table

Organisation Wide Surveys

Invite The Whole Organisation or Individual Teams.

Obtain a deeper understanding of your employees' sentiments regarding various aspects of their daily experiences.

Identify Points of Improvement for your Business Excellence.

Team Leader talking to a group of employees

Drive Necessary Change

Initiate organizational change guided by the outcomes of your surveys.

Continuously oversee and trace the progress of your journey toward business excellence, ensuring meticulous monitoring for optimal outcomes.

Elevate your Organisation and Your Employee Day-to-day Experience.


Build your first Survey in minutes

Hear it from

Our Customers

As a HR Manager, implementing Helpnaut Forms was a game-changer for our organization. The ability to effortlessly create and deploy forms and surveys transformed our approach to employee performance evaluations and company-wide questionnaires. The intuitive interface and robust analytics provided invaluable insights, enabling us to make data-driven decisions and enhance overall employee satisfaction. Helpnaut has become an indispensable tool in optimizing our organizational processes and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Highly recommended for any company aiming to elevate employee performance and engagement!

Stock image of a form or a survey

Your All in One Surveys and Quiz Software

“The power to question is the basis of all human progress.” - Indira Gandhi

Quiz and Survey

Talent Management

Performance Management

Customizable Quizes

Craft quizzes effortlessly with our user-friendly sotware interface, allowing you to focus on content rather than complex tools.

Transform the way you approach onboarding, performance monitoring, and assessments with our quiz creation software. Empower your organization to thrive with a workforce that is not just informed but inspired. Elevate your business with us.

Performance Analytics:

Gain deep insights into employee performance through detailed analytics, enabling informed decisions and targeted improvements.

Understand the strengths and areas of improvement for individuals and teams alike.


Our software is designed to grow with your organization, accommodating the increasing demands of a dynamic business environment.

Our user-friendly interface allows organizations to effortlessly create an virtually unlimited number of engaging quizzes and surveys that cover essential onboarding topics, fostering a smooth integration process for employees.

Why Choose Helpnaut

Unbeatable Prices, Unrivaled Quality


Ask away your questions in any format that suits your preference. Whether it's in the form of open-ended free text or structured choice selections, be it a survey or quiz, the canvas is yours to personalize and tailor to your needs.

Intelligent Analysis

Analyse your survey or quiz responses and drive change with the results. Embrace the transformative potential that the results offer, steering your course toward continuous improvement and strategic adaptation.

Cheapest in the Business

Our mission is to empower you with the highest standards while ensuring affordability. We strive to assist you in reaching the pinnacle of software performance, combining quality with cost-effectiveness to provide unparalleled value.

User Grouping

Establish a user hierarchy system and smoothly transfer tasks such as conducting performance checks, retrospectives, brainstorming sessions, or any other activities integral to the context of your survey.

Privacy and Security

The Anonymous mode fosters an environment that encourages candid responses and ensures the authenticity of results. Embrace this feature to cultivate a space where respondents feel secure in sharing their genuine thoughts and experiences without any concerns about their identity being disclosed.

Standardized Templates

Establish a consistent template for your surveys, ensuring uniformity in structure across all your forms. This practice not only enhances the coherence and professional appeal of your surveys but also streamlines the process, promoting a standardized approach that facilitates efficient data collection and analysis.


Check Out Other Helpnaut Apps


Frequently Asked Questions

Try Now, Commit Later


Engaging in surveys within organizations serves as a strategic compass, steering decision-makers toward a path of success. These surveys provide a dynamic and data-driven navigation tool, offering insights into employee sentiments, organizational strengths, and areas for improvement. By harnessing the collective intelligence of the workforce, organizations gain a clear direction for strategic initiatives, allowing them to adapt to challenges and capitalize on opportunities. Surveys, therefore, play a pivotal role in shaping a responsive and successful organizational landscape, aligning strategies with the evolving needs and aspirations of the workforce.

The Helpnaut toolsuite is there to foster collaboration and workflow for your whole organisation, so using forms together with other parts of the toolsuite is very common. A use case that is often seen is onboarding new users onto the Knowledge Base Portal, then quizzing their onboarding success with Forms and Surveys. It all comes together at Helpnaut.

Register for our complimentary two-week trial with no credit card info required. Our step-by-step wizard will guide you through crafting your first form.

Yes ! Register for a free trial with no credit card info required and invite your team members. During the Free Trial You will have access to the full Toolsuite, then you can decide what you want to continue your paid plan with.

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